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What we’re about

Do you want to start a business in the crazy fast-growing CBD & Cannabis industry?
Do you want to learn how, and what others are doing to be successful?  
Do you want to meet other people in the industry?
There is no cost to attend, or present as a vendor or business owner, and we are now open to the general public.
Everyone wants to get into the cannabis industry, but many don’t know where to start. The shifting landscape of marijuana regulation in California has some entrepreneurs confused and feeling lost. You know how the saying goes, it is not always what you know, but who you know that matters. Business networking in any industry is important, however in the cannabis industry, most of us are finding out it is a vital part to the start and or sustainability of our businesses. While the “Green Rush” is rolling along at warp speed, most are finding the mounting difficulties before us are making it a harder and more convoluted space to enter. If there was ever a time to up your game and join a networking group, it is NOW!
Looking into the upcoming future cannabis space, may seem daunting, however, a space where connecting and collaborating with others replaces competition and isolation, becomes the way cannabis businesses thrive, would be a welcomed relief. Join us in elevating the cannabis industry, subduing the stigma, and smashing the stereo type, through education, empowerment, and community awareness…one connection at a time.