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What we’re about

This is an in-person meditation circle that focuses on the power of being love. We invite you to join us and experience the transformative effects of embodying love in your daily life.

Our circle is a safe and nurturing space where you can connect with caring individuals to experience the power of love.
Led by Andreea Rosca, an experienced meditation guide, our sessions are designed to help you deepen your understanding of yourself, and the world around you.

Through a weekly theme, we use guided meditation, breathing exercises, and other mindfulness practices to learn how to cultivate a deeper connection with your heart, heal past traumas, and connect with the universal love that surrounds us all.
By embodying love, you'll become more open, compassionate, and forgiving, leading to a happier, more peaceful life and relationships.

At Circle of Love, we believe that love is the most powerful force in the universe and has the ability to transform our lives, relationships, and the world. By tapping into this power, you'll attract more love and kindness into your life and create a positive ripple effect on those around you.

Our meditation circle is designed to help you tap into the power of love and connect with others who share your desire to embody love in their daily lives.
Andreea will guide you through each session, creating a safe and supportive environment where you can explore your emotions, connect with and heal your heart.

We invite you to join us for Circle of Love and experience the power of love for yourself. Our circle is open to anyone who wants to explore the transformative effects of love, regardless of their meditation experience.
Come and be a part of our community and together let’s cultivate a world filled with love, kindness, and fulfillment.

This weekly event is donation based. £5-£15 recommended, trade is accepted, no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Get this on your calendar for Mondays!
Circle of Love sessions take place every Monday evening from 6-7 pm at the Milton Keynes Quaker Centre, 1 Oakley Gardens, MK15 9BH and experience the power of love for yourself.

Stay connected through FB:

WhatsApp: 07456288800 Andreea

Upcoming events (2)

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