What we’re about
Welcome to Milton Keynes Inter Varsity Club
What we're about:
MKIVC is a well established social and activities club for professional and like-minded people.
Our members organise and attend a wide range of events including: restaurants, theatre, cinema, country walks, cycling, bbqs and pub nights. However, we're always looking for new ideas for events so, if there's something you'd like to do why not join us?
MKIVC annual membership is only £5. This covers the club's running costs - the Meetup site fee, personal insurance at events and the Association of IVC levy.
Membership also gives you access to the national association of IVC groups, so you can join events hosted by other IVC groups around the country, such as great value holidays and weekends away.
If you'd like to meet us and find out more, we hold a New Members/Club night on the first Friday of each month. Details are on our Meetup site.
In the meantime, by clicking "join us" you'll automatically receive 3 months free trial membership so you can attend as many events as you like before deciding if you want to join our club. Just RSVP on Meetup if there's an event you want to come to and we'll meet and greet you.
We have a code of conduct, please have a look at
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Best wishes
MKIVC Committee