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What we’re about

This group is about playing a game and having a good time on the course and off. We'll play anywhere and everywhere we can get a group together. We encourage players of all skill levels with a positive attitude about playing with anyone, but please have an understanding of the game and how it's played.

Courtesy and etiquette from everyone will be at the core of the group.

Most of our events will be week night 9s and weekend 18s but we encourage everyone to suggest a time and place and we'll get it on the calendar ASAP! Participation and involvement are what we need to keep this going! Most of our events will have limited participation due to the need for tee times. For the same reason most of our events will be posted with only 2-3 weeks notice unless we can get a course to work with us and book tee times farther in advance.


PROFILE PICTURE - Your profile picture MUST be one you can be recognized by at the first tee. Please make sure you have an appropriate picture uploaded to MeetUp BEFORE requesting to join as it is much more difficult to change it later.

GROUP DUES - We currently have required member dues of $5.00 per year. This money goes to cover the fees charged by MeetUp for each organizer to have groups on the site. As of 01/01/21 these fees total $190.00 per year. Anything collected beyond this amount will be used to fund a group activity of some kind. None of the money goes to the organizer for personal use.

ATTENDANCE -  If you sign up for an event, please show our hosts, and the courses, the respect of not cancelling without changing your RSVP and giving us a chance to fill your spot. If the group is charged because of your last minute change the charge will be passed on to you.

All event hosts will be encouraged to take attendance and report any no-shows to the group organizer. Repeated no-shows will be cause for removal from the group. Hopefully it won't come to that.

BEHAVIOR -  We will not tolerate unwanted or aggressive behavior in the group. If you are ever subjected to, or witness, this type of action please contact Mike Galezio (the organizer) and it will be dealt with. 

PARTICIPATION - This is intended to be a group with an active, involved membership. We encourage everyone to join us for the Monthly Meet & Greets as well as the Range Nights as well as our on course events. Periodically the membership will be reviewed for lack of attendance at any event in an extended period of time or for not checking our event calendar after 1 year or more.

Upcoming events (4+)

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