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What we’re about

Let's become more mindful, together! Every 2nd and 4th Monday of each month.

In this busy world, we are constantly bombarded with distraction, from the outside (e.g. news, TV, advertising, social media, etc.) and from our own internal world (sadness/depression about something that happened in the past and fear/anxiety about what might happen in the future). Whatever the source, the war for our attention is relentless, but it is only in the stillness of being alone with self, with a quiet mind, where growth can happen.

Mindful Monday is about creating space inside ourselves, becoming aware of unconscious, harmful behaviours and steadily expanding our ability to sit with nothing. In the process, building supportive community with others in a fun, warm, safe, judgment free environment.

This group is open to anyone who is interested in self improvement and becoming more mindful.

Everyone will set their own goal, and create their own plan for achieving that goal for that week. If you are unable to meet the goal, that's fine, there is no shame here. It is an opportunity to better understand your block and what smaller step is needed to move closer to meeting your goal.

Here are some examples of goals:

  • Increasing awareness of attention/mind (Spending less time on my phone, starting a meditation practice, consuming less media, being more grateful)
  • Increasing awareness of body (Eating healthier, eating less / getting control over appetite, talking less, getting better sleep, moving more, moving less)

Fun and safe are key essentials of Mindful Monday. Let's dig in : )