![Minecraft User Group cover photo](https://secure.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/f/f/c/clean_207604092.webp)
What we’re about
Do you love to Game in Minecraft? This is the home of the Minecraft User Group. This group is created for anyone who loves play, share, and engage in minecraft. New users to very experienced users are encouraged to join. We meet in Seattle, WA (otherwise known as the beautiful Puget Sound or Pacific Northwest) to explore topics on learning minecraft to events that create a competitive landscape for minecraft challenges for individuals and teams. We also explore minecraft science, technology, and art projects to engage the community in useful technical skills that apply to real world.
This group is brought to you by the Gaming Bridges STEAM (GBS) team that focuses on creating safe communities that "make and create" (M&C) rather "search and destroy". STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. Our mission is the educate and promote on how community M&C gaming can reducing violence in communities by engaging in fun, safe group activities like gaming. Events held by the GBS project team promotes safe environments and a place for education.