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York's Viking Vendetta Murder Mystery Trail  *BRAND NEW TRAIL*

Photo of Susan Fry
Hosted By
Susan F. and 3 others
York's Viking Vendetta Murder Mystery Trail   *BRAND NEW TRAIL*


York's Viking Vendetta Murder Mystery Trail *BRAND NEW TRAIL*
Take a walk on this chilling trail of ruthless raids and fierce feuds as you embark on a heart-stopping journey through the streets of York. “York's Viking Vendetta” beckons you into a world where the clash of swords and cries of warriors reverberate through the streets of Jorvik. Okay . . . so we may not see any actual Vikings; however, we will have loads of stories to tell and places to see . . .

Gather your courage as we tread cautiously along the city’s ancient fortifications and through its shadowy lanes, where the spirits of fallen Vikings lurk in every fog-filled corner, waiting to tell their tales of slaughter and revenge.

Feel the hairs on the back of your neck rise as you explore some of York's darker places. Every creak and whisper could be the echo of a Viking ghost, their restless souls still roaming, bound by their violent pasts. The towering York Minster looms above, its darkened windows watching, guarding secrets of ancient rituals and pagan rites performed under the cloak of darkness.

Unearth hidden runes and cryptic messages that lead you deeper into the heart of Norse mythology, each discovery unravelling spine-chilling stories of magic, mystery, and malice.

This is no ordinary historical tour; it's an immersive plunge into the terrifying tales that haunt York's Viking legacy. Our groups are deliberately small, keeping the atmosphere intense and your senses alert to every unsettling detail.

Dare to join this eerie adventure? Secure your place now and step into York's Viking Vendettas with our Mini Adventure Group.

CAUTION: Beware, this journey is not for the faint of heart—prepare to confront the horrors of York's brutal past!
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As daring adults, let's embrace our adventurous spirits! Your safety and that of your fellow explorers are in your capable hands. So join the walk and prepare yourself because the Vikings are calling. I believe in providing a more intimate and personalised experience, so I prefer to send groups off in smaller numbers so nobody (new or old members) feels left out. Alternatively, you can form your own group with your friends to embark on this thrilling journey together!

IMPORTANT: This walk is mostly on paved paths and is an easy walk over 2 miles. Your group will be going at a slow pace as they look for clues, listen to stories and follow directions.

This event is FREE. However, we will be collecting donations for MIND, the charity our Adventure Group supports.

Join us if you dare!
Gina, Gerry, Mike & Sue

Photo of Mini Adventures & Trails for the Young At Heart group
Mini Adventures & Trails for the Young At Heart
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