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What we’re about

Are you a QA Engineer, software tester, in Software Quality Assurance, automation developer, or QA-curious in Boston? Join us and participate in our many monthly events! Not in Boston? Follow us on Twitter!

The Greater Boston QA and Testing Group was founded as a software testing Meetup in November 2015 by Conrad Hollomon.  The group rebranded itself the Ministry of Testing - Boston Meetup, in January 2017m coming under the umbrella of the UK software testing group Ministry of Testing <>.

Other Ministry of Testing groups based in the USA:

Ministry of Testing - Atlanta
Ministry of Testing - Philadelphia
Ministry of Testing - Portland, Oregon

This is a group for anyone interested in discussing the latest issues in software development for quality assurance professionals. We believe the more we can get testers coming together then the better chance we have of advancing our industry in a good and positive direction. Let's share knowledge and best practices and elevate our craft across the industry! Whether interested in QA automation, engineering, testing, or simply wanting to learn more about the tech industry - all are welcome!

Please read and adhere to the Ministry of Testing Code of Conduct.