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What we’re about

## What we're about

MLOps Chicago is a local meetup that talks about the engineering challenges of deploying and maintaining ML solutions.

# What is MLOps?

MLOps is the extension of the DevOps methodology to include Machine Learning and Data Science.

As the industry of Machine Learning matures, the requirement of deploying ML-based applications to production facing more and more challenges bringing the Software Development Life Cycle.

# What are we going to talk about?

In our meetings, we're going to discuss the various challenges of MLOps, and discover solutions around them- from the technical level, reducing technical debt, security, integration, policy, governance, scaling challenges, and more.

# Who support us?

The group is led by industry leaders and volunteers from all over the MLOps industry, we believe that collaboration and sharing can reduce the challenges and bring the ML and Data Science assets closer to the DevOps world as first-class citizens.

# How do I join the conversation?

Join the MLOps Community Slack space (, and find us in the `#chicago` channel.