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What we’re about

Welcome to the Modern Cloud Architecture group, sponsored by nOps. This group was built for DevOps experts, FinOps practitioners, cloud architects, and enthusiasts of AWS cloud optimization and management. Our meetups serve as a great place to exchange knowledge, best practices, and learn about the newest advancements in cloud cost optimization.

Each Meetup is designed to offer valuable insights into the world of AWS cloud optimization. Our sessions typically range from 45-60 minutes and cover a variety of topics related to AWS cloud management and optimization techniques. These meetups are not just about presentations; they are interactive sessions where you can get hands-on experience with nOps tools and engage in discussions with cloud experts from nOps and the wider cloud community.

Our Meetup topics include, but are not limited to:

Practical and Efficient Ways to Optimize AWS EKS
Best Practices for Maximizing Savings and Stability with Spot
AWS Cloud Optimization Techniques
Cloud Cost Allocation and Reduction Strategies for AWS
Best Practices for AWS Infrastructure Management
Emerging Trends Cloud Cost Optimization
Case Studies and Real-world Applications of nOps Tools
Whether you're a seasoned AWS professional or just starting out in the world of cloud computing, our meetups are the perfect place to enhance your skills, network with peers, and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving cloud landscape. We provide a collaborative environment where you can share your experiences and learn from others.

Join the nOps Modern Cloud Architecture Community today and be a part of a community that's shaping the future of AWS cloud optimization and management.