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What we’re about

Moinworld's goal is to create a developer community where women and girls have the same opportunities as men to help shape the digital future. We at moinworld hope that at some point 50% of software development and management positions in tech and IT will be filled by women. moinworld achieves this by strengthening women: Through IT education and the support of a helpful network. To motivate and strengthen women, we also want to draw more attention to female role models. To achieve all this, moinworld offers you various platforms and forums: Programming Classes, Meetups, Lectures & Workshops & Networking Events, Conferences and a video series about women working in the tech industry on our youtube channel. 

You want to learn more about tech or want to build stuff in a different environment than the normal tech groups? Join us. Originally from Hamburg moinworld is a non-profit organization that wants to change the face of the IT industry to make it more attractive to those who bring a different perspective. We organize workshops and talks. 

By connecting across interests and backgrounds with a focus on females otherwise underrepresented in the tech world, we are working towards equality needed to build products, communities and economies that work for all.

Together we break barriers and stereotypes. Check out our blog for more:

We are part of the global Women Techmakers Network.

Women Techmakers is Google’s brand and global program for women in technology. Women Techmakers provides visibility, community, and resources for women in technology to drive innovation and participation in the field. Women Techmakers events are designed to promote an environment of inclusivity for women in technology, as well as celebrate women leading the industry. We want to advance, grow and celebrate women developers, designers, and technology entrepreneurs.