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Photos about tomorrow's (4/10/2008) free Denver TheatreSports Workshop.

From: Fran R.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 8, 2008, 2:35 PM
Hello Improv Comedy Fans!

Tomorrow from 6:30 to 8:00 pm we have an opportunity to play together in a free improv comedy workshop in the basement of Smiley Library on Tennyson and 46th Avenue. Your current improv group organizer, me - Fran Rew - will be to see if my improv performance skills grow better in Spring time.

Photos of the Denver TheatreSports free workshop are in the photos link on the left column of our Denver Improv Comedy Meetup Group's web site.

I created a several choice poll for our improv group to help us all to know whether our group likes the free improv workshop option or not, and if so, what Wednesday would work best. The poll is located in the polls link in the left column of our group's Meetup web site.

I created an open-ended message/blog for everyone to share with each other whatever you'd like to share with our group. I titled it "What's next?"

Thank you in advance for your shared group feedback.
