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TODAY: Thurs, 1/12/2012, 7 PM: Improv Comedians at FREE "Monkey Butler Improv Workshop"

From: Fran R.
Sent on: Thursday, January 12, 2012, 12:29 AM
Hello Everyone,

We "improvise" every day of our life.   We rarely have an opportunity to share with a group the humorous playful dynamics of spontaneously improvising through directed group awareness games.  

Today, Thursday, January 12, 2012, we'll have a FREE opportunity for group improv with the FREE Monkey Butler improv comedy workshop.  

I hope we'll also discover how to imagine and share walking musical improv games in our collaborative TTWalks and Improv Comedians event on Monday, January 16, 2012, MLK Marade.

Tim Cress is the director of a weekly Thursday night FREE Monkey Butler improv comedy workshop - generally not "musical" improv, but with lots of hilarious games.  Tim is also a young Seventh Day Adventist minister, who after the workshop, for whoever is interested, also offers an opportunity to sit in a prayer circle together for spontaneous prayer requests and prayers.  

I love the Denver Monkey Butler's  hilarious improv comedy workshops, and I feel so grateful for, and uplifted by the shared after-workshop prayer time.  

I hope at least some of the people attending today's workshop will discover the hilarious and uplifting improv experience that they could share in a TTWalks' collaborative musical improv comedy walk in the 2012 MLK Marade on Monday, January 16, 2012.  Even if you can not join us in the workshop or the walk, you can join us online in improvising the humorous and serious visualization of our theme MLK Marade improv thought of the "Economics of Compassion" (For more info and to RSVP, visit -

Here's the link to more info and to RSVP for today's improv workshop on January 12, 2012.   


Monkey Butler Improv Workshop

Improv Comedians

Thursday, January 12, 2012
7:00 PM

Monkey Butler
2990 Larimer Street
Denver, CO 80205
Monkey Butler is a free Improv Comedy Acting Workshop open to all ages and skill levels. This unique form of fun and creativity is a wonderful way to break free of your everyday roles and let loose in a encouraging environment. Join us every Thur...

Fran Rew
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