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Tonight's "St. John in Exile" Performance (4/6/2012)

From: Fran R.
Sent on: Friday, April 6, 2012, 12:33 PM
Hello Improv Comedians,

Tonight is the night that our awesome Monkey Butler improv coach Tim Cress performs his non-improv annual Easter performance of "St. John in Exile".  

After watching Tim's online video of the beginning of his performance (, I'm looking forward to being taken back in time over 2,000 years ago to listen to St. John talk about his life experiences, reflecting his experiences during the historic landmark in the development of human spiritual and emotional values.

I'll be wearing a Meetup logo nametag just so I'll be easier to find if you haven't met me yet.  Please stop by and say "Hi" during the intermission.  

As always, please feel free to call me if you have any questions at (303)[masked] (H).


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