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Asking for Help: Santa Helpers needed to post event updates and upload photos.

From: Fran R.
Sent on: Sunday, December 2, 2012, 11:09 AM

Dear Santa,

Thanks to your help, it's been an absolutely marvelous improv comedy year!!   Thank you so very much!!

I've been a good little old lady all year (most of the time).

I'm asking for an early gift for our Improv Comedians website of Santa's Helpers for posting updates for events and uploading photos BEFORE Christmas starting now in December!

I fell in love with the Monkey Butler improv group when I was one of their many Santa's Helpers this past year.  Not only is Monkey Butler growing strong, but they are exciting interest in improv comedy throughout the Denver Metro area in many venues.

As you know Santa, my 1-year commitment as your Snata's Helper for this Improv Comedians website finished on November 2012, and you've moved me to another department.  Now that my year is over, please Santa, send some replacement Santa Helpers to continue updating and uploading for the increasing number of events!!

Santa, now you've assigned me as your Santa Helper for a 5-year commitment [masked]) in your Santa's Discovery Department for "Economics of Compassion:  What's Possible?" with's TTWalks.  I hope improv comedy will become a part of this assignments' Discovery Department.

While I'm transitioning to your Discovery Department, please feel free to invite your Improv Comedians' Santa Helpers to call me if they need any assistance on how to post updates, and upload photos.

Santa, I'm looking forward to seeing your new Improv Comedians group photo albums in December 2012 and beyond!!!

Thank you Santa.

Fran Rew
Santa's helper
(303)[masked] (H)
(720)[masked] (C)
[address removed]



I'm also looking forward to a big Santa's helpers celebration, when all the Santa's helpers departments get together for a wonderful time together!!


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