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One Buck Butler and other news

From: Michael K.
Sent on: Friday, February 8, 2013, 4:41 PM

Hello, Monkey Butler students!

Two weeks from tomorrow will be our One Buck Butler performance.  Our Level 1 students have been learning how to create characters in workshop, and this show will give them an opportunity to show off their skills.  Anyone who has attended at least two workshops throughout the character course may perform.  If you would like to be in the show, make sure to come to the last pair of workshops if you have not attended in a while.

The One Buck show will start at 7 p.m. and admission is $1 for everyone.  Tell your friends and your family to come down to 2990 Larimer on February 23 to watch!

In other news, Monkey Butler has a snazzy new website thanks to Aaron Nunez.  If you have not seen the fresh design, click on  Also, remember to like the Monkey Butler Facebook page so that you and your friends can see the latest announcements and photos from our events.

Thanks, everyone.  The next Mainstage performance is this Saturday at 7 and the next workshop will be on Thursday at 7.  Happy improvising!

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