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Monkey Butler March Announcements

From: Michael K.
Sent on: Friday, March 1, 2013, 11:00 PM

Hello, Monkey Butler students!

Those of you who came out to the Block Building last Saturday know that we had another amazing One Buck Butler performance.  Twenty-eight audience members watched seven of our Level One students play a variety of games to showcase their skills at creating characters, which was the theme of the last workshop series.

This Thursday, we started our new workshop curriculum, "Building Blocks," which will cover the fundamentals of improv acting over the next 12 weeks.  As always, we welcome new faces to the Level One classes.  No matter if you are a regular attendee or you have not yet stopped by 2990 Larimer to take a class with us, we encourage everyone to come and learn about how to create scenes, pay attention to others on stage, and "fail gloriously" (our motto) in whatever you do.  The March 7 workshop will focus on how to say "yes, and" in improv.

Also, mark your calendars for Saturday, March 23.  Instead of a Mainstage performance, our Level Two students will participate in a Two Buck Butler show.  If you have never seen long-form improvisation before, this will be an excellent opportunity to learn how improv actors can take a suggestion and create a story using a series of scenes and characters.

Finally, to see new announcements or photos from our shows and workshops, be sure to like our Facebook page:  As usual, there will be a Mainstage show tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the Block Building.  Tickets are $10 per adult and $5 for children.  If you came to this week's workshop, your ticket is half price.  We hope to see you there!