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Deadline has been extended for Saturday's Dance

From: Margo P.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 10:04 AM
I'm sorry to all of you who have written saying that you're trying to RSVP "YES" for Saturday night's dance but have been told that the deadline has passed.

I have just extended the deadline to Saturday and I hope to see many more of you there than have presently said you are coming. We are now up to about 60 or so with other dancers coming from DanseFolie, etc. so I hope you will join us. It's a great way to meet fellow dancers, relax and unwind on the weekend. The hall has a beautiful hardwood dance floor that can easily accommodate another 30 or so dancers and, in my opinion, the more the merrier. Be sure and be there for the dance lesson at 8:30 even if you already know how to dance since this is a great way to warm up and meet other people with whom you will feel more comfortable asking to dance later in the evening. And don't forget your wine or beer. This is a BYOB event.

Hope to see you there!


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