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What we’re about

Welcome to Moon Lab Màlaga!


Join us on a journey of cosmic exploration and self-discovery with our bi-weekly interactive workshops centered around lunar astrology, spirituality, psychology, and quantum physics.

✨Upcoming Events✨

🌘 New Moon Manifesting: Harness the potent energies of the New Moon to reset, realign, and manifest your intentions. Dive into the significance of the New Moon, exploring both its collective and individual impact. Learn how to supercharge your manifesting abilities using a special Quantum Moonifesting™ Formula.

🌕 Full Moon Digest: Reflect, release, and recharge under the illuminating light of the Full Moon. As we reach the peak of the cycle, Full Moon is here to invite you to go to the deepest parts of yourself that you usually can't see.


🪐 Past Event Highlight 🪐

Aries New Moon Manifesting Workshop (Solar Eclipse Edition)

Feeling the cosmic rollercoaster ride? Join us as we navigate the twists and turns of celestial energies. In our recent event, we explored the Aries New Moon & Total Solar Eclipse, offering participants a chance to realign with their intentions and dive deep into self-discovery.

Here's what our past event offered:

  • New Moon Manifesting: Discover the significance of the New Moon and how syncing with lunar cycles can supercharge your manifesting abilities
  • ✨New Moon Readings: Gain insights into where the New Moon falls in your birth chart and uncover the key focus areas for the upcoming month
  • Intention Setting Ritual: Learn the art of setting intentions and witness firsthand how putting pen to paper amplifies your manifesting prowess
  • Meditation: Immerse yourself in a guided meditation to synch your mind and heart center with your intentions
  • Moon Oracle Card Pulling: Tap into the wisdom of the Moon with personalized Oracle Message offering guidance and clarity on your manifesting journey
  • Sharing Circle & Q&A: Engage in enriching discussions and have your burning questions answered in our supportive community space


💫 Join Moon Lab Malaga and step into your power as a conscious creator of your reality! 💫

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