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What we’re about

Dear women! Please come join us in a Sisterhood Circle. We welcome anyone who identifies as a woman as our sister.
From "A moon circle, also known as a women’s circle or Sister Circle, is a group of women that gather together on the new moon. It is a safe, sacred, non-judgmental space where all women are welcome to come as they are, and be in a sisterhood of women that truly support them.
Everything shared in the circle is confidential, and all women’s stories are welcome — from celebrations to challenges. In a moon circle, authentic friendships are made and healing work is done through rituals and thought-provoking questions for self-reflection."

Our gatherings -- which will include activities other than Moon Circles from time to time [think Tarot reading, energy healings, Pagan holiday rituals, and general socializing!] -- are women only unless we have a speaker who is there to give us an offering.
You don't have to hold a certain faith, though the rituals might seem more Pagan than anything. However, we don't subscribe to any one spiritual or religious belief. We are open to all and we believe what we share as women is the heart connection, our true sincere caring that we as mothers have for our children and our planet (even if not mothers in this lifetime).
Wear anything that makes you feel like a goddess. Sometimes it's just what you ran out of the house wearing, sometimes it's a beautiful gown for the ceremony. We will offer guided journeys, oracle readings, and energy healings at every Moon Circle. Magic happens here. We support, encourage and embrace what comes up. Your level of participation is completely up to you -- if you want to watch before you join in, we welcome you.