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Indefinite Postpone of Art Zoom Soirée. The Fin-de-Siècle

Photo of Oddie
Hosted By
Oddie and Anna B.
Indefinite Postpone of Art Zoom Soirée.    The Fin-de-Siècle


For the moment we are doing an Indefinite Postpone on all our Art Zoom Soirée.

Why? We are in the process of building and adding all our events for 2024
This will include where the Art Zoom Soirée fit in. However we are going to make a lot of shuffling.
So logitalally it works to move them all off. And then fill everything in as we build from scratch with a clean slate.

We are pretty far along on the process. Will send all folk notes when we are done and the whole year is read ahead.

The Fin-de-Siècle s perhaps the single most thing that has shaped the way we art today. Or maybe not? Let's learn about it.

Tons 'o' fun.

CLICK HERE to fill out our reminder form This way we can send you the reminder and the Zoom link the day of the event.

All in all this will be a fun social evening where we accidentally learn something together.

This is all sounds great.

How much does it cost? Oh yes . . . The cost is FREE!

That's a bargain even at twice the price!!!!

So why not splurge and come and share your time with us.
For an online event hopefully you will feel as if you have visited far off places and times. And maybe even see yourself in the those places and scenes.

We have been watching other artsy fartsy things being done. They tend to be essentially a power point. When it says "lecture" you better run!! There is no dynamic discussion or engagement. No interaction and no social.

Just like anything else we do . . . ours will be different.

We will come out the other side richer for the experience.

Yes. This does mean there is no canned script.

On the day of the event you will get an email 2 or 3 hours before more in-depth info of what covering and the zoom links.

For those not aware I do have classical art training, as well as years of working within the art industry with curators, conservators, collectors, artists, museums, studios, institutions etc. So we will make this all very worthwhile.

Now some background . . . Before the pandemic we did plenty of Artsy, and Artsy Adjacent events (no need to bore you with those now).

With the pandemic we did move to online and to doing a Weekly Art Soiree Zoom. We would try and alternate weeks between a "place" (like a museum) and a "concept", "movement" or artist.

As things lessened we did change that to once every two weeks.

Here are the changes we are making for the new year. We will switch to Once A Month . . . BUT we will make it 1 1/2 hrs on a Place, and the other 1 1/2 hr on Concept, Movement or Artist

What follows is the NEW SCHEDULE for the NEW YEAR. Do be sure to read past the schedule as I am including some of our In Person Art Events in the New Year too . . . !

Join us in this Art Adventure Social Soirée. Make some friends while learning and sharing, and sharing some learning.

IF you went to any previous Art Soiree you do NOT need to re-fill-out the google form.


RSVP on any of these specific dates and show your interest on those. Or to add comments of what to cover.

The date/subjects above . . . are subject to being swapped, moved,

added, or otherwise nuanced as the year goes.

Do you have suggestions? Send them to: Marc Direct Message

To join in and see what else we do CLICK HERE

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