What we’re about
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Mosaic Outdoor Club of Ontario is a volunteer-based, not-for-profit organization which integrates Jewish values with an appreciation of the outdoors. We celebrate and explore the great outdoors in a social setting.
We provide quality group experiences to foster the development of outdoor knowledge and respect for the environment in a Jewish context. Mosaic also seeks to provide a positive social atmosphere for sharing those experiences.
We encourage you to join us to interact with other like-minded active people.
Love to be outdoors!
What type of activities do we do? We hike the beautiful Bruce Trail and Oak Ridges Moraine; we have Chanukah skating parties; we take city walks along the ravines; we ski the stunning cross-country trails of southern Ontario; and we play tennis. We enjoy bowling, we feature running clinics, and we learn how to dance. And if that isn’t enough – we usually get together for coffee and schmoozing afterwards. Some programs we have done in the past include tree planting, orienteering, baseball and archery, to name a few.
MOCO also hosts fabulous weekend getaways up north in summer and winter, complete with bonfires, singsongs, and other fun outdoor activities. Our MOPACK club organizes amazing canoe and camping trips to spectacular sites throughout Ontario. Mosaic also has chapters in many other North American cities, and the annual Labour Day event is a fabulous, fun-filled weekend with opportunities to meet others who love the outdoors just like you!
Fees and Membership
How to Participate in Mosaic Activities
When you sign up on Meetup, you can join our events as a full fee-paying member or guest.
Become a Mosaic Member:
Membership entitles you to participate in all Mosaic events, including weekend getaways, canoe trips and the annual International Event.
The fee covers your membership until the next Annual General Meeting (AGM), which is usually held in March each year.
Click here to join us as a paid member:
Participate as an Event Guest:
If you choose not to become a full member, you can participate in most events as an Event Guest by signing on to our Meetup site. You will pay an individual Event Guest fee of $8.00 and sign a waiver form found on the website
How to Join our Meetup Group:
To join our Meetup Group, either as a Mosaic Member or as a Guest, you'll first need to have a Meetup account (free of charge):
· To access the Mosaic Meetup Group, log into your Meetup account and go to our group page at MOCO [https://www.meetup.com/mosaicontario/](https://www.meetup.com/mosaicontario/)
· Click the Join us! button on the right side of the navigation bar and answer the profile questions to introduce yourself.
· We will send you a confirmation message to advise that you have been added to our Meetup Group list. This will allow you to view all our upcoming activities and events and RSVP to the ones you wish to join.
Click here to sign up for our Mosaic newsletter!