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What we’re about

Our vision is a welcoming and supportive community for all people who value free inquiry, ethics grounded in human faculties, reason, science, religious skepticism, and separation of church & state. We affirm the worth and dignity of all conscious beings, and accept our responsibility to promote global well-being and happiness by working for greater freedom and justice in our local communities.

Our goals include:

  • Promoting social connections among Humanists and other Freethinkers.
  • Providing opportunities for personal growth, community service, and advocacy.
  • Educating the public regarding our first freedoms and defending them when necessary.
  • Promoting acceptance and understanding of Humanists and other Freethinkers in society.



"Any doctrine that will not bear investigation is not a fit tenant for the mind of an honest man." ~ Robert Ingersoll


We are affiliated with the following organizations: