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What we’re about

Mozilla Indore is the community of users, enthusiasts and the general public that identifies itself with the Mozilla manifesto, a project whose mission is to foster Internet development and innovation. From here you will be able to join our Meetup and be aware of our future meetings, and enroll in them. In our group we talk about Firefox, web technologies and the Open Web. We welcome users of Firefox and other Mozilla products, web developers and mobile application developers.

Mozilla Indore is Part of Mozilla India Community, Focusing on regional promotion and contribution of Open source projects under Mozilla Foundation.
Mozilla  Indore invites you all, be it a student, professional or a tech-enthusiast. We'll be meeting, learning and even teach something new! It welcomes everyone around, interested in technology to contribute, learn and grow!!

There are a lot of social channels where we are active
Telegram : 

FB group :
for regular updates we have socila media pages :

Contact Mrinal Jain 8871384191