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What we’re about

"The Hiking & Outdoor & Travel Meetup - Musashi" is a Tokyo based group for the persons who like recreation, traveling, sports, outdoor, adventures and a global community group of friends from different nationalities and diverse life style background. All unique activities are weekend & holiday based, well produced from the view points of International leisure recreation and tourism with the original Meetup essential concepts, and everybody can enjoy various type events comfortably. Our common language is English, and occasionally maybe some japanese, chinese, or others. Through each activity, we love to talk and share about various topics & experiences & information. Whatever you are a new comer or a long term resident in Japan, or not, if interested in those activities, that is enough. We welcome you to join our group and be our new friend!
Someday, the day may/will come when you have to leave Japan. In the future, if our group activities were joyful and memorable pages of your Japan life, that will be my pleasure.
Kimio, Group Organizer

★All this group event is a joint event with Musashi International Meetup group and Musashi Hiking & Outdoor & Adventure Meetup group.

Musashi International Meetup group:

Musashi Hiking & Outdoor & Adventure Meetup group: