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What we’re about

A Fabulous Free Monthly (Second Friday) Social Gathering for Queer Women, their Friends and LGBTQIA+ Allies. We respectfully request that men (gay or cis) and straight women attend only as guests of our lesbian and queer women members. We believe that this policy contributes to the overall well-being of our attendees and helps create an environment where everyone feels comfortable and respected. If you have any concerns or questions about this requirement, please feel free to reach out, and we'll do our best to address them. We are committed to celebrating our community within a co-created ethos of mutual respect and kindness.

Our aim is to provide the LGBTQIA+ community with access to a variety of events that stimulate a mix of thoughtful discussion, playfulness, and curiosity. Yes, we really do deserve to have it all!

Our name is a nod to ancient Greek mythology and the nine Muses who – as a collective - represented literature, history, science, culture and the arts and were thought to have been created to inspire and uplift in times of hardship.

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