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What we’re about

Charlie, Robbie and I met and made fast friends at a Myers Briggs (NF) meeting in London and were stunned by how much we had in common. Having all since relocated to Brighton (great NF minds think alike!) we decided to set up our own Myers Briggs event to meet other intuitive feelers (NFs) and share our experiences of this way of being/experiencing the world.

So if you have done the Myers Briggs test and are an NF, come join us on Thursday 28th September at Hove Place.

Please message me if you have any questions 😊



For some background on the NF combination, the two middle letters in your type are called your mental processes because they form the basis of how your mind works—how you take in information and how you make decisions.

People who prefer Intuition (N) pay attention to meanings, patterns, and future possibilities.

People who prefer Feeling (F) make decisions based on values and consequences for people.

Those with Intuition plus Feeling (NF) use insights to help others to be their best.They tend to approach both life and work in a warm, enthusiastic manner, are insightful and encouraging, and like to focus on ideas and possibilities, particularly "possibilities for people." These types are enthusiastic, insightful, and need to empower. Being asked to be someone they are not (inauthentic) can be stressful.
When learning, they need to use their imagination, create with others, have freedom to do it their own way in an environment filled with warmth and enthusiasm. With decision-making, they may miss details, lack common sense, disregard experience, or neglect critically analyzing decisions.
They are often found in careers that require communication skills, a focus on the abstract, and an understanding of others. Those with an NF preference are often found in the arts, the clergy, counseling and psychology, writing, education, teaching, research, and health care.

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