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What we’re about

Men’s only group to meet and talk about what we deal with; stresses, relationships, business, goals, real emotions like anger, life direction…who we are and what gets us up in the morning, or what might keep us in bed. -spiritual approach and beliefs welcome, however a non-religious group.

To get out of our heads and into our hearts.
To support each member in their journey of growth by…
- providing a space that welcomes our most authentic selves
- accepting the challenge to be as authentic as we are able
- listening to understand, recognizing that each of us walks his own path

A typical meeting follows this general format
1. Brief intro from host
2. Announcements, if any
3. Short meditation
4. Sharing by individuals with a moment of reflection in between
5. Loosely moderated discussion, likely focused around any common themes that have come up in sharing

*All men welcome from all walks of life, please come and contribute or just listen.