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What we’re about

Mystic Medicine KC offers a range of classes and workshops that can help you elevate your personal vibration and manifest the life you desire.

Our primary goal is to create a safe community of like-minded individuals who share their knowledge and motivate each other on their journey of consciousness. A place where we can hold space for one another to express themselves in authentic and loving ways. This group is open to anyone who is experiencing an awakening, expanding their consciousness, healing emotional and mental blocks, and seeking to increase their vibrational frequency and transition into a new state of existence.

Are you curious about the web of consciousness and the possibilities it holds for those who focus on raising their personal vibration together as a group?

As we change from within and embody the transformation we wish to see in the world, we step into our higher selves. In doing so, we can profoundly impact the world around us, spreading joy, peace, and love from within and creating ripple positivity throughout the world.

Upcoming events (4+)

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