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What we’re about

The heart of this group is RELATIONSHIPS. By forming healthy relationships, whether online or in-person, our community can thrive and Heal From Narcissistic Abuse.

Healing from Narcissistic Abuse is both a science and an art!
It’s a science because there is a large amount of information and knowledge to be learned, as many of us who have spent hours watching YouTube on the terminology, causes, and outcomes of narc abuse can attest. The work of experts, clinicians, and researchers have been pivotal in growing this community's understanding.
It’s an art because there is no formula, no one way to navigate this journey of healing. Every story is unique, each person’s circumstance subjectively their own, so the path to becoming aware, finding safety, surviving and healing, and then thriving is a creative process. And like any art such as writing, dance, or oil on canvas, practicing your technique and honing your craft is the only way to get better.

This is a member-led and member-driven group that focuses on the science and art of HEALING from narc abuse. We have found that a focus on ourselves and what we can change is a healthy and productive way toward reclaiming our lives and moving toward freedom. No one is perfect, but we seek to curtail blaming ourselves and decrease the energy we spend on negatively bashing those who have hurt us.

We are all on different parts of our journey, but together we have formed a community to support, uplift, and spur one another toward thriving inside and out.