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php[tek] Discount and Road Trip

From: Ben R.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 2, 2016, 8:16 AM
The php[tek] conference is soon, and this year, it will be held in St. Louis, MO. This means it's within driving distance of our user group, which means (drum roll)


If you're interested in road-tripping it to php[tek] this year, jump in on this thread and let others know. Who knows, if we have enough people interested, maybe we can plan for something cool (like gas sponsorships, etc.).

As a member of our user group, you're able to receive a 10% discount on php[tek] conference tickets. See the following message from the organizers of php[tek]:

The Early Bird sale for php[tek] has ended.  But we still wanted to make
sure that the User Groups get the best deal we can offer.

So we've made the following coupon code that you can share with your
group.  If they use this code they will be a blanket 10% off any
conference tickets:



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