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What we’re about

Native Advertising is a term describing new methods of delivering marketing messages to consumers that fit the form and function of the websites and web platforms on which they are delivered. It is the reverse of intrusive methods such as Banner Ads & Pre-Roll videos. It can be considered a sub-element of Content Marketing and it's popularity is set to skyrocket worldwide in 2015.

The Native Advertising Meetup Group is an initiative aimed at helping like minded professionals within the industry get together and share ideas and information for their mutual benefit. <br>

Who should join this group: 

• Media, Marketing & Advertising Professionals working within Traditional & Native Advertising Platform Companies, Publishing Companies, Global Brands, Digital Agencies, Media Buy Companies, etc <br>

• Tech Journalists & editors interested in Native Advertising

• Content creation professionals, distributors & brokers 

• Social Media & Community managers 

• Content & Product Strategists 

• Business Development Managers  <br>

• CTO's, Developers & Engineers from Exchange Operations teams <br>

• Communications Consultants  <br>

• Tech Entrepreneurs interested in Advertising

• Students currently studying Marketing/Advertising  <br>

Why you should join this group: <br>

• Learn about the latest technologies, tools and processes used within Native Advertising

• Boost your professional network by meeting like minded professionals and peers <br>

• Catch a glimpse of the future within this rapidly growing global industry <br>

What members can expect:

• Networking Meet-Ups, initially in London in early 2015 <br>

• A vibrant, supportive community of Native Advertising professionals within <br>

Call for Co-Organizers:

If you work within the industry and would like to help organise and administer this group, please get in touch by posting a message to the discussion feed. Thanks ! <br>
