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What we’re about

Great way to finally start reading that one book you wanted to read, meet like-minded people and enjoy your time being immersed in nature. 😎

Anyone can join! Even if you are not an avid reader but you have that one book in your shelf that you want to read but haven't gotten around it, bring it along and enjoy some uninterrupted reading time!
No fees applied for joining.

Any place with nature (parks, beaches, possibly on top of a mountain). Feel free to make suggestions on where we can read πŸ˜„
If weather is horrendous on the day, then we will go for an indoor setting.

For the first 15-30mins, we will start with a brief chat on what book we are reading. We will then have 60mins of uninterrupted reading (please avoid using your phones during this time, unless you are reading off your phone). After reading, we can share what we have read and grab coffee if there is a cafe nearby. β˜•οΈ

Looking forward to seeing you at our next meetup!

Group has also extended to Facebook which you are welcome to join

Upcoming events (1)

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