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NE ATC+ Meetup Group: a correction and a humble apology from your fumble-fingered organizer

From: Anne
Sent on: Sunday, January 4, 2009, 10:57 PM
Hello, everyone --

I just tried to e-mail ONLY the NE ATC+ Meetup members who have been inactive for five months or more, asking them whether they're still interested in the group.

Instead, it looks like I may have e-mailed the whole group, for which I apologize.

"Inactive" refers to members who have had no contact with the group whatsoever for several months. Meetup recommends updating the membership every so often to remove inactive members.

So if you've attended a Meetup or RSVP'd for a Meetup or posted a message or done anything else with the group online or in person since, say, last July, you're all set. Ignore my message, and please accept my apology for cluttering your inboxes.

If you HAVEN'T done any of those things since, say, last July but want to remain in the group, just log onto the site before Jan. 20. That will reactivate your membership. No further action is required. To cancel your membership, do nothing; the cancellation will take effect on Jan. 20.

No reply is necessary unless you have questions. And, again, I'm really sorry for any confusion.


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