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What we’re about

Welcome to our Neck Down Meetup group, where we focus on living on purpose through a variety of practices such as meditation, healing techniques like relaxation and stress reductions for healthy habits, moving meditations, and learning how to gain awareness to overcome life's challenges.

Participating in a community focused on mindfulness and physical awareness offers support and shared experiences, making the path towards self-discovery less solitary and more enriched with diverse perspectives and techniques.

We'll be going outdoors to connect with nature, ourselves and each other. And we'll conduct educational and awareness events. Living life from the Neck Down allows us to find truth, reduce our brain's stress responses and open ourselves up for a calmer and clearer life experience. This approach encourages us to tap into the wisdom of our bodies, reducing overthinking and stress by grounding our experiences in physical sensations and the environment around us, fostering a deeper sense of peace and clarity.

Let's journey together towards overall well-being and self-discovery.