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Upcoming Events Update

From: Leah
Sent on: Monday, September 14, 2009, 11:16 PM
Dear Web Developer Meet-up Members-
I just wanted to let everyone know that I was taking a short break from organizing events to recharge my
energies but will be back in action in a few weeks.
We have a upcoming event on Color and Logo Trends on September 22. After that I will resume our small general meetings and help organize other presentations and user groups. There is also Wordcamp and some joomla conferences coming up so if people want to use this group to organize carpool that would be great.

I am going to schedule a planning meeting soon (most likely a sunday late afternoon). If you want to help present on something, lead a workshop, or help run user groups either come to this meeting or contact me directly to let me know when you want to schedule it. We have a number of venues at our disposal, large and small.

I started compiling a list of topics that have been requested at a number of our events to inspire you:

In general, we like to have presentations on coding for the web (CSS, PHP, and others), using software (Dreamweaver, illustrator, In Design, Photoshop, etc), Wordpress, Joomla, Digital Photography, Design Theory, SEO, business topics, billing strategies, designing proposal and contracts, designing aps for phones, translating your tech skills into an international career or whatever else you can come up with.

I'd also like to organize some seasonal potlucks.

So, Happy Fallish and Regards,
Leah Masci
[address removed]