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What we’re about

A group for all adult (18+) women/non-binary people with autism and related neurodivergence - or women who’ve maybe taken the AQ test for adult autism, wondered, and want to explore possible autism free from medicalisation and ‘male brain’ theories.
There’s really not much known and even less support for women with autism so one of the points of this group is to explore gender and autism and the other is to create our own community networks and critical definitions. 
This isn’t a mental health support group, it’s about a place to be ourselves. We’re interested in self-definition, critical theories of neurodiversity, fluid identities, alternative therapies, and in what is needed for autistic women to enjoy life. We’re also interested in making better use of digital tools to collaborate and reduce isolation. If you are looking for mental health support, please view our resource page (linked below).
You can view our group policy here. Please be respectful of communication and sensory issues and note that we can’t always accommodate mental health co-(or other)diagnoses. Everyone talking at once through to lurking in the background are absolutely fine as long the space stays constructive and bearable for auties. Come and go as you please, post to comments if you have questions or want to touch base before coming along in person.

Resource page: Neurodissident Women - Resources
Contact us at:

Facebook Admin / Resources:

Google drive folder for resources from online meetings:

Upcoming events (4+)

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