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What we’re about

Welcome to our Neurodiverse Adults Meetup Group!

Are you an adult who identifies as neurodiverse? Whether you're diagnosed with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, Tourette's, or any other neurological difference, this is the place for you! Our meetup group is a safe and welcoming space for neurodiverse individuals to connect, share experiences, and build a strong sense of community.

Our primary goal is to create a supportive environment where everyone can express themselves without judgment or stigma. We believe in celebrating the diverse perspectives and unique strengths that neurodiverse individuals bring to the table. Whether you're new to understanding your neurodiversity or have embraced it for years, you'll find acceptance and understanding among like-minded individuals here.

What to Expect:

  • Meet like-minded individuals: Connect with people who understand the challenges and triumphs of living as neurodiverse adults. Share stories, experiences, and insights, and build meaningful connections.
  • Empowerment through shared knowledge: Participate in discussions, workshops, and presentations led by professionals and neurodiverse advocates on a variety of topics related to neurodiversity, self-care, and personal growth.
  • Skill-sharing and learning: Share your talents and learn from others. Our group fosters a culture of knowledge exchange, where we encourage members to teach and learn from each other.
  • Advocacy and support: Collaborate on projects that promote neurodiversity awareness, inclusivity, and understanding within our local community and beyond.

Join us and be a part of a vibrant and compassionate community that embraces neurodiversity and empowers each member to embrace their authentic selves. Together, we'll create a space where everyone feels valued, supported, and celebrated for who they are. Come as you are, and let's embark on this journey of self-discovery and growth together!

Upcoming events (4+)

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