What we’re about
New Age Entrepreneurs Sydney is a collaborative community group consisting of very motivated and successful individuals.
Are you an entrepreneur, consultant, salesperson, business leader, start-up business or small business owner?
Are you interested in finding new ways to do things and open to new ideas?
We will get together a few times a month and share innovative ideas, and create winning formulas.
We gain specialised knowledge whilst encouraging, supporting and inspiring each other to grow our businesses…..and do it our way.
We will have a great deal of fun along the way.
People in our group are…..
• Courageous and passionate
• Active
• Think outside the box in an abundance mindset
• People who think on their feet
• Wanting to grow their network and meet like minded people in the process
• Looking to grow and expand their consciousness
New Age Entrepreneurs Sydney is a group where we can contribute our skills, knowledge and wisdom to help the group members grow their business, whilst making money and making a difference.
Come and join us and share what you do!
“If you want to upgrade your circle of influence it begins with
upgrading yourself”. – Hal Elrod