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What we’re about

Feeling like you'll never find the right person in this seemingly endless dating game? You're not alone. The average single spends 10 hours a week swiping through countless profiles, only to end up on first dates that lead nowhere. And that's if you make it past the initial match!

1 in 5 singles have been ghosted, and more than 1 in 3 have experienced breadcrumbing.

Frustrated with the dating scene and feeling like you're just going through the motions?

Club Beau Monde has created Meet Cute in New England to change that. We're a group for serious singles who are tired of the same old dating routine. We're here to help you navigate the challenges of dating and find the love you deserve.

Why Club Beau Monde?

  • A Supportive Community: You'll never have to feel alone in your dating journey. Our members are a supportive network that will encourage you through every step of the way.
  • Exclusive Opportunities: Unlike the awkward singles mixers and speed dating events you're used to, Club Beau Monde offers engaging and interactive events designed for singles who live an active lifestyle.
  • A Break from the Norm: We're shaking up the singles scene by getting rid of the awkward mixers and replacing them with fun and engaging activities that will actually help you meet new people and connect with potential partners.

Whether you're a serial dater or have been out of the game for a while, Club Beau Monde is here to support you on your journey to love. Join us today and experience the difference!

*A variety of events and activities will be available to cater to a diverse range of individuals, with ages spanning from their 20s to their 50s and beyond. While some activities will be designed to appeal to a broad audience, encompassing individuals of all ages, others will be specifically tailored to suit particular age groups.