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[ONLINE] Zoom-Only Critique Meeting

Photo of Christopher Keelty
Hosted By
Christopher K. and 2 others
[ONLINE] Zoom-Only Critique Meeting


This meeting will be on Zoom only.

Link to reading:

You can access Zoom via Internet (with or without video) or via traditional telephone. We encourage you to use video.

If you have a submission (guidelines at our web site, send it as soon as it's ready, and we'll get you in the queue. First-time submitters always go to the front of the line. Feel free to arrive late and leave early--we're quite flexible. Unless your work is being critiqued, in which case please make sure you are present.


2:00 - 2:45 - Introductions, new business, craft chat

2:50 - 5:00 - Critiques of member submissions

After the meeting, we keep the Zoom open for social time and casual chat. If you'd like to stay, all are welcome!

** Zoom log-on information will be added to this page about 15 minutes before the meeting begins.

Photo of New York City Writers Critique Group group
New York City Writers Critique Group
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