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What we’re about

Welcome to our group tailored specifically for professionals in the financial services industry!

Who We Are:We're a dedicated group of developers, AppSec professionals, and DevOps enthusiasts from the financial services sector, focused on optimizing software supply chains. Our gatherings are all about sharing insights, networking, and discovering new strategies and tools to enhance software development and security within the unique context of financial services.

What We Offer:
Industry-Specific Sessions: Engage with experts who understand the nuances of financial services, offering insights on supply chain optimization relevant to our field.

Interactive Workshops:
Dive into hands-on sessions that address the specific challenges and technologies in financial software, from compliance and security frameworks to cutting-edge fintech innovations.

Networking Opportunities:
Connect with peers facing similar challenges, share solutions, and collaborate on projects.

Resource Sharing:
Gain access to a curated selection of resources, including sector-specific whitepapers, case studies, and tool recommendations.

Who Should Join:
This series is designed for anyone in the financial services industry looking to improve software development, enhance security, and streamline DevOps practices. Whether you're deeply experienced or just starting, you'll find value in our focused discussions and community support.

Join Us:
Be part of a community at the forefront of transforming financial services software supply chains. Here, you can deepen your expertise, share your unique experiences, and uncover new career opportunities in a supportive and specialized environment.

Let's innovate and grow together within the financial services industry. Join us for our next Lunch and Learn and be part of the journey!

Upcoming events (1)

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