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What we’re about

Meet fellow polyfolk in your area! Come to a local Polyamory Meetup to meet other supporters of multipartner relationships and families. Talk about open relationships, polyfidelity, honesty, respect, and commitment. This group is LGBT friendly. Everyone is welcome! FYI: ALL INFO ON THIS MEETUP GROUP SITE IS COMPLETELY PUBLIC, ANYONE BROWSING THIS GROUP CAN SEE EVERYTHING from profiles, greetings, to the message board with the exception of email messages sent to an individual. Some event locations are blocked and shown only to members, unless they were asked to be public by moderators of their originating group. Note: This meetup group strives to make its members feel comfortable and is geared to a low-key social environment away from the pressures of dating. Member profiles with content not conducive to this groups' goals will be addressed as soon as noted and may possibly be removed from the group if not compliant with request to change their profile accordingly. For more information, join the nyc-poly Yahoo group, the njpoly Yahoo group, or visit

Note that this group is intended as safe space for those interested in polyamory. It is a relationship group and not a dating group. DO NOT send private messages to other members soliciting sex or post messages soliciting sex on the group platform. Violators will be removed.

With the exception of support meetups which may be limited to a specific category such as women, LGBT, etc. All meetups must be open to the entire membership as individuals.

If you want to meet other members, come to a meetup.

Upcoming events (4+)

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