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NY NewFinance, Bay Area NewFinance - Helpers wanted / Homestrings is looking for a Delivery Manager

From: Eddie G.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 30, 2013, 7:33 PM
NY NewFinance, Bay Area NewFinance - Helpers wanted / Homestrings is looking for a Delivery Manager

Hi Everyone,

1. NY NewFinance, Bay Area NewFinance – Helpers Wanted

We’re currently planning to take our Monthly NewFinance FinTech Seminar format over to NY in November this year and then to the Bay Area perhaps early next year. We’d like to build communities in both locations much like the London one and then connect them all together, the opportunities are significant and would benefit many of our Members.

If you’re interested in getting involved and helping to run and promote the events please drop me a line, this would suit you if you know the local tech scene well and have some free time each month to work with me to set the events up. Please also drop me a line if you can help with contacts, promotion or resources in NY or the Bay Area.

2. Homestrings is looking for a Delivery Manager

Homestrings ( is a platform that facilitates Diaspora investments into communities. Projects and funds are selected for their prospective impact on communities you care about while generating the possibility of positive investment returns. Homestrings goes through a rigorous process to carefully select project and fund promoters and then select offerings that we think meet our criteria and would be of interest to our community of investors.

What we’ll ask of you:

·       Lead product design and development

·       Optimize and streamline the existing registration and transactional experience

·       Expand the existing payment and investment funding methods adding products relevant to the countries Homestrings is attracting investors from

·       Deliver site and service improvements with a positive impact on user experience

Please contact Annie Melnic ([address removed] ) for further information


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