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A week in FinTech - 22nd October 2016

From: Eddie G.
Sent on: Sunday, October 23, 2016, 12:49 PM
A week in FinTech - 22nd October 2016

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Hi Everyone, I hope you’re having a relaxing weekend, our Nov 3rd event is really shaping up we have some 7 companies pitching plus possibly one or two more to confirm, this will be our last event of the year so please do join us if you’re free

1. Upcoming Event: NewFinance November FinTech Open Mic Night, Thursday November 3rd @6pm, Browne Jacobson LLP, Bevis Marks

Please join us for our monthly mixture of presentations, skype-ins, fireside chats and shout-outs plus plenty of networking.

This monthly session is designed to provide an opportunity to catch up with your peers, to see what's going on in the London and International FinTech scenes and to tell us all about yourself and your own work.


·       Fabian Flatz, Co-Founder and CEO of Telleroo, a B2B fintech startup that makes payments for companies at scale

·       Jason Muller, Co-Founder and COO of Pivigo, a data science marketplace connecting rock star analytical talent with companies looking to get more value out of their data

·       Thomas Beevers, CEO and Co-founder of StockViews, a platform that connects asset managers with a network of independent equity analysts

·       Tobias Taupitz, CEO & Founder at Insure A Thing, aiming to turn the insurance model as we know it on its head by taking the gambling out of insurance

·       Délber Lage, CEO of SalaryFits UK, a new fintech that developed an innovative solution to make sustainable credit a reality

·       Sakeeb Zaman, Co-Founder, StrideUp, transforming home ownership by providing an alternative to renting and ever larger mortgages 

·       Tomo Nakamura, UK Country Manager of Doreming, a real time payroll platform linked to digital money to tackle financial inclusion

 Thank you to our Partner Browne Jacobson, the legal adviser with a unique approach to FinTech and Tech Start-Ups Get in touch to find out more.

2. London FinTech Podcast: “Hard Fail” Provision Funds Revisited with Rhydian Lewis CEO Ratesetter

The latest of Mike Baliman’s interviews with key FinTech-ers. This month it’s Rhydian Lewis CEO at Ratesetter to talk about the ultra-hot topic of provision funds in p2p/marketplace lending. Rhydian was on in the early days back in LFP019 in an episode talking about P2P beyond the metaphors. That’s a good theme for today on a narrower topic as all too often when one reads about provision funds its metaphorical.

3. FinTech Accelerator: Apply to the Barclays Accelerator, Powered by Techstars London 2017 Programme recruiting globally

The program will start on 23rd of January and the Demo Day will be on the 19th of April.

We are looking for exceptional founders who are tackling difficult problems and are going after big opportunities. We are specifically looking for founders working on applications of AI/machine learning, blockchain, payments, cyber-security and big data. Our definition of fintech includes insurance-tech and regulatory-tech as well as “traditional” fintech. As financial services is a global sector and Barclays is a global partner, we welcome applications from anyone and anywhere.

Ready to apply? Click here to start your application.

4. Interesting news items that caught my eye this week…

·       The bank of the future will be invisible say KPMG - see FREE PDF, interesting look-ahead to 3030

·       EU shifts attitude to virtual currencies following ECB fear - the ECB is being surprisingly frank about virtual currencies posing a threat to fiat currencies

·       The Case Against a Federal Fintech Charter – interesting pragmatic discussion from a US Regulator about FinTech

·       How A Poker-Game Brainstorm Produced Fintech Startup YapStone And $235M In Revenue interesting back-story

5. Visitors to London

(none this week)

6. Reach-outs for FinTechs

·       Fintech startup TradeRiser is currently looking for private beta users, to test their Research Assistant platform for the financial markets. The platform allow users to ask both simple and complex trading questions. To participate email beta[at], or to learn more visit

·       CityFALCON have already exceeded their target raise of £150K on Seedrs and are looking to close the round soon.  They provide personalised financial news to consumers for free and to businesses for a small licensing fee to access the company’s API

7. Talent

Individuals looking for a new role:

·       Thomas Masters - Independent highly technical CTO for startups, with extensive experience in startups, stellar Investment Banks and Alternative Investment Firms. In search of a CTO role in a Fintech start up. Please get in touch at tomfintechlondon[at]

Companies looking for talent:

·       Payfriendz is looking for a seasoned CTO with Fintech and ideally payments experience to manage and grow their technology teams, own the technical roadmap and be completely responsible for the evolution, development, and delivery of the core platform and products. Salary dependent on candidate in the range £[masked]k p.a. Equity participation TBD within 6 months. Contact: Howard Allen howard[at] Technologies: Google Cloud, Kubernetes, Docker, Go (micro-services), gRPC, Protobuf, NATS (MQ), MySQL (GCP CloudSQL), RethinkDB, Node.js, JavaScript, React.js (web), React Native (iOS and Android), Redux, GraphQL, Apollo

·       Trov UK  is looking for a UK Customer Support Manager to join the team. The candidate should have a proven track record in handling customer complaints and excellent communication skills with perfect grammar and punctuation. Fintech or startup experience a plus!

·       Kontomatik is hiring Sales representatives. Would you like to be a part of one of the fastest growing disruptive industries? If so, there might be just a perfect place for you at Kontomatik, a leading fintech company that provides banking APIs. Join us as a Sales Representative either in London/Warsaw and start making the whole financial industry more consumer oriented. We are looking for an experienced sales representative with a proven track record of selling SaaS technologies in the financial services industry. Contact: tatiana.zalewska[at]


If you have any news to share with the group please send it to me by close on Fridays and I’ll drop it into this mailer.

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