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A week in FinTech - 12th November 2016

From: Eddie G.
Sent on: Saturday, November 12, 2016, 12:59 PM
A week in FinTech - 12th November 2016

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Hi Everyone, I hope you’re having a good weekend

1. Upcoming Event: London Business School Hackathon at Balderton Capital, 25th - 27th Nov

For the 3rd year running, #HackLBS is taking place on the weekend of 25th - 27th Nov at Balderton Capital. We bring 100 best talents in London’s business, tech and design scene together for an intensive 48 hours to create, to hack and to pitch. Our success stories include previous teams moved onto forming companies or successfully getting into the recent Techstars graduate class. Join us in a fun weekend of brainstorming, hacking and opportunities to work with mentors from startups, VC’s and accelerators, and to win some amazing prizes (£2000 cash prize in total and more)!

Check out and apply at

The HackLBS program will consist of an optional skills bootcamp and the actual Hackathon:

Pre-hackathon Bootcamp:

When  9.00am - 5.30pm 13th Nov

Where  London Business School

What A series of workshops and speaker events from founders, CTOs, VCs to warm up the hackathon participants

Hackathon Weekend:

When 6.30pm 25th Nov - 5.30pm 27th Nov

Where Balderton Capital, 28 Britannia Street WC1X 9JF

Who Developers, UX, Product, Business

What Friday: kick off, form teams, Saturday: hack, mentor office hours, Sunday: hack, pitch, prize announcement.

Price of admission: £10 (covers cost of admission, SEVEN meals, t-shirt, drinks and snacks, and two workshops)

Please email [address removed] with any questions.

For our Info Slides, click HERE

*Food, drinks and HackLBS t-shirt will be provided as part of the participant package

2. Interesting news items that caught my eye this week…

·       Tesco Bank blames 'systematic sophisticated attack' for account losses - One cybersecurity expert said this could be an unprecedented breach at a British bank

·       Iran’s Vice Minister is Giving a Cookie to FinTech Startups - fast growing FinTech startupsare popping up like mushrooms

·       First Class: FCA Reveals 24 Fintech Firms Accepted into Regulatory Sandbox an impressive first cohort for this forward-thinking Regulatory project

·       Why FinTech Startups Will Not Win If They Play Like The Banks good article on why encoding the existing process also encodes the issues in that process, that’s why using these new technologies to deconstruct finance and create a new user experience matters so much

·       Trump Win Could Disrupt Fintech Industry - “I will issue a temporary moratorium on new agency regulations.”

·       Fintech Regulation May Firm Up Under Trump Presidency - regulatory efforts to help expand fintech appear to have a clear bipartisan mandate

3. Visitors to London

(none this week)

4. Reach-outs for FinTechs

(none this week)

5. Talent

Individuals looking for a new role:

·       Valeria Radchenko, a Marketing & Sales professional with experience in the Fintech industry, with extended knowledge of the Financial Advisory and Wealth Management sectors is looking for a new role. Has a multicultural background with a proven track record of working in Switzerland and the UK, including the ability to speak fluently in 5 languages. Looking for a freelance position with a view to permanent, available from December 1st. Contact: valeri.radchenko[at] (fyi I have worked with Valeria and she comes with my personal recommendation, Ed.)

·       Zubair Khan is a multilingual professional with creative, interpersonal, teamwork and analytical skills. Speaks English, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Urdu. Spent past role as a Business Analyst for a digital marketing firm. Experienced in big data and customer training. Enjoys engaging with clients to help solve their business issues. Can learn quickly and adapt to a multicultural environment. Contact: khan.zubair272[at]

·       Piers Evans is looking for a new role after 12 years at IHS Markit as a product manager / business developer. Frighteningly organised, Piers is known for his ability to take a product from the initial vision to a functional piece of software with real revenues. Looking to add value to a new startup or help a more established firm to scale. Contact: piersxevans[at]

·       Max Kalis is looking for a new role, after 4.5yrs in the Innovation Labs at Lloyds Banking Group, first half of this period in Strategy & Product Development and second half on Innovation Culture & Events. Seeking roles in innovation, either helping corporates with innovation culture or fintechs with scaling up. Primary Skills are innovation program development & delivery, event curation, fintech networking & mentoring, creative workshop facilitation, thought leadership articles & presentation. Contact: mwhkalis[at]

·       Yoko Kono Toda is highly organised and capable of providing thorough, efficient input and assistance having worked under demanding circumstances with media correspondents and investment bankers in multicultural and multilingual environments. Dedicated, self-motivated and able to establish positive working relationships with clients and colleagues at all organisational levels. A team player always looking to help others whilst striving to excel on a personal level. Contact: yotty_toda[at]

Companies looking for talent:

·       Bankable, an  award  winning  FinTech  providing  a payments platform  for  developing solutions  including  virtual accounts, virtual & plastic repaid card programmes, e-wallets & light banking solutions is hiring an Account Manager and a Head of Business Development, see the links for more details

·       Trov UK  is looking for a UK Customer Support Manager to join the team. The candidate should have a proven track record in handling customer complaints and excellent communication skills with perfect grammar and punctuation. Fintech or startup experience a plus!


If you have any news to share with the group please send it to me by close on Fridays and I’ll drop it into this mailer.

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