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StartUp Guru Weekly Digest 6.2 [Jolly June Edition]

From: user 3.
Sent on: Monday, June 11, 2012, 4:01 PM

Howdy Fellow Entrepreneurs,

Here is a list of upcoming *June Events* that StartUp Guru, our partners and friends are offering. Did you know that Revenue North is giving away FREE PASSES to members of the Startup Guru and Vim teams. Scroll down below to see the codes for your free ticket!


We are also happy to announce our LEGAL MEETUP on 6/27 featuring business lawyer Christopher J Lane. Not only will he educate you on avoiding the 10 most common pitfalls that entrepreneurs make, he's also going to answer any business law questions you have!   



Email us at [address removed] so we can book you for our next available meetup. It is an awesome opportunity to practice your presentation and get exposure. We'd love to hear you speak!


Here's Christopher Williamson's funding pitch for his video game company and Carly Gloge's educational Kicstarter campaign speech for Ubooly from 6/6's Funding Meetup




Boulder StartUp Meetup:

Hear a two founders present their startup, and ask questions & provide feedback. Listen to the story of James Fischer's entrepreneurial journey. Network with entrepreneurs, your peers, your target clients, your tribe. Come to be part of this great entrepreneurial culture!

Organized by StartUp GuruSpeakers: Basho Mosko, Basho & Friends, Karl Niemann, Vim EDU and James Fischer, Growth Curve Institute
Free Boulder StartUp Meetup | RSVP
Date: Wednesday, 6/13 | Time: 5:30 - 8:30 PM
Location: 6680 Gunpark Dr. Suite 200, Boulder (Gunbarrel), CO, 80301 - Driving Directions


Green & Social Entrepreneurs Meetup: Learn about the latest green trends in commercial properties and opportunities for the Eco-entrepreneur.

Organized by StartUp GuruSpeaker: Stephen Walker (CEO, Advanced Air Sealing)
Free Green & Social Entrepreneurs Meetup
Date: Monday, 6/11 | Time: 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Location: 6680 Gunpark Dr. Suite 200, Boulder (Gunbarrel), CO, 80301 - Driving Directions


HAPPY HOUR: Business/Social Networking Event

Mingle, chat and connect with your fellow Boulder entrepreneurs over some drinks and tasty appetizers. Meet investors who are looking for innovative ideas along with new and experienced entrepreneurs & professionals to discuss their startups, get advice and provide feedback.

Organized by StartUp Guru
RSVP - Happy Hour social event | $1 BEER (Micro-Brewed) $2 WINE & 10% OFF appetizers
Date: Monday, 6/18 | Time: 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Location: Gurkhas Restaurant, 6565 Gunpark Dr. # 190, Boulder, CO, 80301 - Driving Directions



StartUp *Sales & Marketing* Meetup: Learn about the latest sales & marketing trends from an expert and share YOUR thoughts on sales & marketing in an open mic discussion, this month's topic is Clients to Your 1 HOUR or less!

Organized by StartUp GuruSpeaker: Richard Palmer-Smith
Free StartUp *Sales & Marketing* Meetup | RSVP
Date: Wednesday, 6/20 | Time: 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Location: 6680 Gunpark Dr. Suite 200, Boulder (Gunbarrel), CO, 80301 - Driving Directions



StartUp *LEGAL* Meetup: Come out and learn about the latest LEGAL trends from an expert and share YOUR thoughts on it in an open mic discussion in front of the audience. Our speaker is a business lawyer who will answer all your legal questions!

Organized by StartUp Guru Speaker: Christopher J Lane
Free StartUp *Technology* Meetup | RSVP
Date: Wednesday, 6/27 | Time: 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Location: 6680 Gunpark Dr. Suite 200, Boulder (Gunbarrel), CO, 80301 - Driving Directions



Crowdfunding Workshop - Orientation & strategies for the creation and launch of a successful fundraising campaigns utilizing donation/reward/pre-sales websites like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Rockethub
Instructors: Carl Kalin, Jason Hopper and Karl Niemann
Cost: $149 | Register Here (June & July dates available)



Revenue North Business Growth Summit

Date: 6/27 | Location: Denver Renaissance Hotel
Fee: $99/person or $299 for up to 5 staff members | Register

We would like to strengthen our relationship with you and invest in your growth! We have secured free passes for you and your staff to the Revenue North Business Growth Summit, June 27.
With over 50 speakers delivering 56 unique sessions in Sales, Marketing, Customer Retention, Access to Capital and more, this may be the biggest business growth conference in Colorado this year! Join us as we grow our business together! Go to RevenueNorth and register using one of the codes, for as many individual registrations as you need :"LEARN-00CFC731" "LEARN-00D5734B"





Want to be a sponsor? You can sponsor the Boulder StartUp Meetup Group OR individual events. Our digest reaches over 1700 members every week! Contact Brian or Lola at [address removed] if you would like your company to be featured in our weekly digests and events.

Colorado's voice of the business and technology community, links people and organizations to unique and valuable resources, your Ultimate Network. Hear and see the latest on and

Gurkhas Restaurant & Bar

Authentic flare from richer cream based options of Indian cuisine to the lighter, less complicated style of Nepalese food, Gurkhas' native team combines their upbringings in Nepal and India with more than 15 years' each culinary experience

Startup Guru

Our mission is to guide people to express and engage their genius through entrepreneurship. We provide programs and workshops for launching and relaunching sustainable businesses. Our focus is to support your funding through our proprietary sweat equity model.

Rockies Venture Club
The RVC was one of the nation's first non-profits devoted exclusively to helping entrepreneurs launch and manage companies with high growth potential. Our mission is simple: give Colorado businesses the resources they need to fund, grow, and manage their companies.

TiE Rockies (Colorado)

TiE-Rockies is a comprehensive eco-system for entrepreneurs with vital resources to help entrepreneurs through every stage of the business life-cycle. It is part of the global TiE (The Indus Entrepreneurs) group that is the largest not-for profit organization promoting entrepreneurship. TiE Global has over 13,000 members in 57 chapters worldwide and as the power of networking grows, the network gets larger.

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