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Fear and the inability to concentrate

From: Magdi
Sent on: Monday, July 31, 2017, 2:22 PM

Fear and the lack of ability to concentrate hold me back from seeing into my true nature.
What you take yourself to be is not what you truly are. Thoughts arise in the openness of being, borderlessly.

You are the Self, THAT that is unborn, untouched by mind events, untouched my thoughts, unaffected by worldly circumstances.

Whenever you confuse yourself to be a mortal body mind, you revert to limitation and you experience the negative emotions such as fear and the sense of lack.

The Self knows no such thing as fear or lack. It is fullness, wholeness, transparent beingness.
You are THAT and nothing else.

The sooner you cease to mistake yourself to be a mortal form, the sooner you will be free of these fantom emotions.

Whenever negative emotions arise, ask yourself to what are they arising and you will come directly to the infinite invisible, to the formless reality of consciousness/awareness.

What remains is for you to understand that the infinite invisible is universal and that there is nothing personal in the universe.