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What we’re about

Providing space for those Interested n Non Duality to connect , share and learn.

What is Nonduality (Advaita) ?

"In a more general sense, nonduality refers to "the interconnectedness of everything which is dependent upon the nondual One, Transcendent Reality - the singular wholeness of existence that suggests that the personal self is an illusion."

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What is this group about ?

The objective of this group is to provide space for those who are inspired by the Non-Duality message and would like to connect and share with others. If you are inspired by Non-Dual teachings of the Upanishads , Sufism, Zen, Taoism or the teachers such as Ramana, Ibn Arabi , Meister Eckart etc , then this group is for you.

We will stick to spirituality and not discuss Religion ( It is okay to quote from religious texts). There will not be any teaching or chanting. We might have an occasional short guided or quiet meditation.

Upcoming events

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