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What we’re about

Welcome to the NorCal Heroes Adventure Club, a dynamic community for military veterans, active-duty military personnel, military reserves, and law enforcement officers between the ages of 18 and 40 in the San Francisco Bay Area! Our mission is to provide a supportive and inclusive space where heroes from all walks of life can come together to embark on thrilling adventures, create lasting connections, and share experiences.

At NorCal Heroes Adventure Club, we believe that the best way to build camaraderie and forge friendships is by sharing unforgettable experiences in the great outdoors. Whether you're passionate about cycling, hiking, camping, boating, or simply savoring a delicious BBQ, our group offers a wide range of activities to suit your interests. Join us for exciting outdoor escapades across the stunning landscapes of Northern California, where you can challenge yourself, explore new horizons, and, most importantly, have a blast.

Beyond the thrill of adventure, our group is a perfect platform for making friends, connecting with like-minded individuals, and expanding your network. We understand that life in the military or law enforcement can be demanding, and our aim is to provide you with opportunities to stay busy, engaged, and mentally refreshed. Whether you're seeking an adrenaline rush, relaxation in nature, or a chance to meet extraordinary people, the NorCal Heroes Adventure Club is here to welcome you with open arms. Join us today, and let's create unforgettable memories together!